File Formats

Number fields are provided in two formats: dvi and pari/gp.

Dvi files

Dvi files are output by TeX, or in this case LaTeX. If you are interested in these tables but find it difficult to preview them, e-mail the maintainer and we can see about converting the tables to another format.

Now for the format of the tables themselves. The fields are first sorted by discriminant class the square-free part of the field discriminant. Among fields with the same root field, we sort by the order of the Galois group (of the Galois closure), and then by absolute discriminant (i.e., absolute value of the field discriminant). Some tables have extra sorting, which is explained on the corresponding web pages containing links to the fields.

Each field is allocated (at least) two lines in its table, and vertical lines separate the entries into blocks. Hanging off of the left side of each table are line numbers. These are intended to make it easy to refer to particular fields from the tables.

Pari files

Pari is a freely available package for doing mathematical computations, especially number theoretic ones. Gp is a command line "calculator" based on the Pari programming library. We use the terms here interchangeably.

At the moment, gp files of number fields will simply be a list of all polynomials. The philosophy is that it is not worth trying to guess exactly which invariants someone may want considering how easy it is to have gp calculate them. The entries in the gp files are in the same order as the corresponding dvi file. Thus, if you see that field number 12 looks interesting from one of the dvi files, you should be able to access it as the 12th entry in the gp file.

Note, these files are plain text files. All operations are explicitly listed, so one should be able to import them directly into Maple as well. To use with Mathematica, one would have to change two symbols: the opening and closing square brackets which delimit the ends of the lists of the polynomials should be converted into curly braces to make it a Mathematica list.

John Jones
Last modified: Fri Jul 10 14:30:29 MST 1998