Call for papers

Conference goal

The goal of the conference is to welcome undergraduates to the wonderful world of mathematics research, to develop and foster a rich social network between the mathematics students and faculty throughout the great Southwest, and to celebrate the accomplishments of our undergraduate students. We encourage undergraduate students from all years of study to participate and give presentations on all areas of mathematics, including applications to other disciplines. However, while we do recommend giving a talk, it is not a requirement for conference participation.


Faculty are encouraged to challenge their students with interesting projects to present at the conference. Feel free also to nominate for participation students who will not give a talk but who would benefit from attending. The registration process will include input from a faculty mentor. We recommend, if possible, that one faculty member from each school attend for every 4-6 of their students who participate.


Student talks will be 15 minutes in length, with 5 minutes between talks for discussion, and will be grouped according to topic in parallel sessions.

Talks will take place in rooms equipped with a computer, computer projector, laptop hookup, and whiteboard. Please note on the registration form if you will require any additional equipment.

Students unaccustomed to making presentations may find the following link useful: Oral Presentation Advice. Topics can range from elementary known material to challenging generalizations of known theorems to entirely new results. Interesting applications of mathematics to other disciplines, as well as historical talks are also welcome.


In the event that more students want to speak than there is time or space for, we may include a poster session. The registration process will include a box for participants to note whether or not they would be willing to present in poster form in such a case.