
The conference hotel is the
Graduate Hotel Tempe
225 E Apache Blvd, Tempe, AZ 85281
The hotel is located across the street from Arizona State University, and is easy walking distance to all conference events.

The rate is $119 per night (plus tax) for single (king) or double rooms (two queen). Call (480) 967-9431, or email reservations@graduatetempe.com . In either case, use group name "Sunmarc 2016" for the reservation.

Note: the block of rooms at the hotel will only be held until January 5, 2016.

Here is a walking map from the hotel to Wexler Hall, the site of most conference activities.


The hotel offers The rooms do not come with breakfast. One can have breakfast at the hotel, but some participants may prefer to avail themselves of lighter fare on campus. For example, the Memorial Union on campus has a Starbucks and and Einstein Brothers Bagels on the first floor.