Main ASU site
The School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences main site
Jeff Holt
Coauthor for the textbook Discovering Number Theory and on
several articles on teaching number theory. Also, a collaborator in a
project to develop
a library of problems for WeBWorK (also with Bill Ziemer).
Bill Ziemer
Collaborator on a grant to develop a national library of problems for
WeBWorK (also with Jeff Holt).
Matthias Kawski
Collaborator for workshops on the use of CCH calculus.
Group Tables and Subgroup Diagrams
This a web-based tool which is useful
in teaching introductory group theory. It allows the student to
interactively compute subgroups and conjugacy classes, look at group
tables in terms of the left cosets of a subgroup, and look at subgroup
The project is coded with javascript so it can run quickly in a web
page through almost any brower. The subgroup diagram part uses the
new canvas element, so it only works in recent versions of firefox, safari
opera, and through an emulation layer, windows-explorer.
I oversaw the implementation of WeBWorK, an online homework
system for ASU's first year math courses for several years.
I now maintain the National Problem Library for WeBWorK.
Discovering Number Theory
Discovering Number Theory is a reformed version of undergraduate
number theory, written with Jeff
Holt of the University of Virginia. The focus is on guided
discovery with students doing numerical experiments with a
computer algebra system. This three year project is
supported by the NSF. Visit the Discovering Number Theory
Home Page.
Calculus Reform
I was involed with Calculus Reform, in particular with the CCH approach
(i.e., "Harvard Calculus"),
in the early 1990s. In addition to teaching classes using the CCH book,
I helped organize and teach workshops on how to use CCH text.